Garvey Nation


In the early 1900s, times were tough for Black people all over the world. While slavery had ended in many countries a few decades earlier, almost all African and Caribbean countries were colonized by European nations. Furthermore, Black people suffered from widespread racism, inequality, and injustice all over the world.

Marcus Garvey (1887 - 1940) saw the great potential in Black people. He dreamed of our race having a nation of our own on the continent of Africa, where we could live safely amongst ourselves and be free to live up to our full potential. He dreamed that we could establish our own government, build grand cities, build industries, and prosper as a race.

Garvey went on to unite over 10 million Black people all over the world, and create massive success amongst our race. Furthermore, he got our people working together towards the goal of establishing a nation of our own. Though Garvey never got to complete his dream of creating a nation, he inspired millions. Now, his dream lives on through us in this online nation.

To learn more about Marcus Garvey...

Marcus Garvey
"The Negro needs a nation and a country of his own, where he can best show evidence of his own ability in the art of human progress."
Marcus Garvey


Marcus Garvey dreamed that the nation could be self-contained, where all the products, services, industries, and institutions were produced by the Black race. This would create millions of jobs, wealth, and independence for our race, as well as prosperity for our future generations.

Though Marcus Garvey aimed to build a nation in Africa a century ago, we realize that in today's Internet age, we can accomplish many of his goals by uniting Black people online. As a result, Garvey Nation has been established as an online platform for the Black race.

A major goal of Garvey Nation is to become fully self-contained, by uniting our race to produce and consume every product, service, and institution that we use as a race, all inside Garvey Nation, just as Marcus Garvey envisioned. Already in Garvey Nation, we have produced our own online store, video platform, e-learning platform (online school), online community, news service, event service, marketing team, warehousing, shipping business, design team, and printing service.

Furthermore, we have sold hundreds of thousands of products and services made by Black-owned businesses in Garvey Nation to Black consumers in Garvey Nation. We have recycled millions of Black dollars back into our race, providing incomes for Black families throughout Garvey Nation.

Our journey towards becoming a fully self-contained nation for the Black race is well underway.

Marcus Garvey
"Negro producers, Negro distributors, Negro consumers! The world of Negroes can be self-contained."
Marcus Garvey


In today's world, millions of Black people interact on social media platforms that are owned, controlled, monitored, and censored by others. Garvey Nation is a platform made for us, by us. Garvey Nation isn't a social media platform, however. It is a nation building platform specifically designed for Black people to work together to build a fully self-contained nation for the Black race.

In Garvey Nation, we have created a platform where Black people can:

  • interact in a positive environment
  • work together to unite our race
  • consume media that uplifts our race
  • learn the history of our race
  • buy from Black-owned businesses
  • promote Black busineses and earn
  • help thousands of Black businesses grow
  • put millions of Black people to work
  • create massive wealth for Black families

We also provide an ever-growing list of benefits to our Citizens (official members). As the Citizenship of Garvey Nation continues to grow, we utilize our collective economic power to take more responsibility for our race, become more self-sufficient, and solve bigger problems that affect our race, as Marcus Garvey outlined.

Marcus Garvey
"Our success educationally, industrially and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves."
Marcus Garvey


All nations need money in order to deliver their programs. Most nations charge their citizens taxes or even solicit donations to raise money.

Garvey Nation, on the other hand, is powered by the Buy Black Movement program, which warehouses products from Black-owned businesses in Garvey Nation, promotes, sells, and ships the products, and also pays income, salaries, and rewards to all the Citizens involved.

Black people become Citizens of Garvey Nation by committing to purchase at least one product each month from a Black business in our online store. These purchases build up the Black businesses, create jobs and incomes for our Citizens, and fund Garvey Nation's programs, all at the same time.

This unique approach has allowed Garvey Nation to be built and financed by our everyday purchases, rather than by soliciting donations or charging our Citizens taxes. For more on the Buy Black Movement, CLICK HERE.

Marcus Garvey
"It is absolutely necessary that the Negro builds an economic structure sufficiently strong enough to feed the arteries of his existence."
Marcus Garvey


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Garvey Nation has attracted Citizens who physically live in countries all over the world (some shown scrolling above). Together, we work to build Garvey Nation, buy from Black businesses in it, build wealth, and create a great future for our race. We are committed to finishing what Marcus Garvey started by building Garvey Nation into a prosperous, fully self-contained nation for Black people worldwide.

Marcus Garvey
"We want the 400 million Negroes of the world to be active members of this great organization, because this organization has a program to be put over in the interest of each and every member of the race."
Marcus Garvey


Join us. Become a "Citizen" (an official member) of Garvey Nation and start participating online, daily. Together, let's finish what Marcus Garvey started, and create a great future for our race.

Marcus Garvey
"I come to the people in my role as reformer and say to them Awake, the day is upon you. Go forth in the name of the race and build yourselves a nation."
Marcus Garvey
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